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时间: 2024-09-19 06:27:31


1. She can manage the project on her own. 她可以独自管理这个项目。

2. It's important to manage your time effectively. 有效管理时间很重要。

3. He is able to manage his anger better now. 他现在能够更好地控制自己的愤怒了。

4. The company needs someone to manage their social media accounts. 公司需要有人管理他们的社交媒体账号。

5. I struggle to manage my finances. 我很难管理我的财务。

6. She has to manage the household budget on her own. 她必须独自管理家庭预算。

7. The team needs a strong leader to manage the project. 团队需要一个强有力的领导来管理这个项目。

8. He was able to manage the situation calmly. 他能够冷静地处理这种情况。

9. I don't know how she manages to juggle work and family. 我不知道她是如何设法兼顾工作和家庭的。

10. The coach has to manage the team's tactics during the game. 教练必须在比赛中管理球队的战术。

11. She was able to manage the company through difficult times. 她能够带领公司度过困难时期。

12. Can you manage to finish the report by tomorrow? 你能在明天之前完成报告吗?

13. He has to manage his workload more effectively. 他必须更有效地管理自己的工作量。

14. She is good at managing people. 她擅长管理人员。

15. I need to manage my stress levels better. 我需要更好地管理我的压力水平。

16. The restaurant manager has to manage both staff and customers. 餐厅经理必须管理员工和顾客。

17. She was able to manage the team to victory. 她成功带领团队取得了胜利。

18. The project manager has to manage the budget carefully. 项目经理必须仔细管理预算。

19. He can't seem to manage his time effectively. 他似乎无法有效地管理自己的时间。

20. She was hired to manage the company's expansion into new markets. 她被聘用来管理公司进军新市场的扩张。

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