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时间: 2024-09-18 11:14:54


Certainly! "Coltish" describes someone who is lively, energetic, and perhaps a bit playful or awkward in a charming way. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese translations:

1. She had a coltish enthusiasm that was infectious. (她有一种活泼的热情,令人感染。)

2. His coltish antics amused everyone at the party. (他稚嫩的滑稽动作让派对上的每个人都觉得好笑。)

3. The coltish foal stumbled around the field, full of energy. (小马驹在田野里蹒跚而行,充满了活力。)

4. Despite her coltish charm, she was surprisingly graceful on stage. (尽管她有一种稚嫩的魅力,但她在舞台上表现出惊人的优雅。)

5. His coltish behavior sometimes got him into trouble. (他那种稚嫩的行为有时会给他惹麻烦。)

6. The young athletes displayed a coltish exuberance during the match. (年轻的运动员在比赛中展示出一种活泼的兴奋状态。)

7. She retained a coltish playfulness even into her old age. (即使到了老年,她还保留着一种童真的顽皮气质。)

8. The coltish puppy bounded across the yard, chasing after butterflies. (小狗在院子里跳跃着追逐蝴蝶。)

9. Her coltish laughter echoed through the room. (她稚嫩的笑声在房间里回荡。)

10. He approached the task with a coltish eagerness, eager to learn. (他怀着一种稚嫩的渴望态度来对待这项任务,渴望学习。)

11. The coltish actor brought a fresh, youthful energy to the role. (那位稚嫩的演员为角色带来了新鲜而青春的活力。)

12. Despite their coltish attempts, the children managed to build a sturdy fort. (尽管他们的尝试显得稚嫩,孩子们还是成功建造了一个坚固的堡垒。)

13. The coltish teenager tripped over his own feet in front of his crush. (那个稚嫩的青少年在心上人面前绊倒了自己。)

14. Her coltish mannerisms charmed everyone she met. (她那种稚嫩的举止魅力无限,让她遇到的每个人都心生好感。)

15. The coltish dancers leaped across the stage with joyful abandon. (那些稚嫩的舞者在舞台上欢快地跃动着。)


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