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时间: 2024-09-19 17:10:16



1. She still has some childish habits, like biting her nails.(她仍然有一些孩子气的习惯,比如咬指甲。)

2. Don't be so childish; this is a serious matter.(别这么孩子气了,这是个严肃的问题。)

3. His childish enthusiasm for cartoons is endearing.(他对卡通片的孩子气热情令人喜爱。)

4. It was childish of him to ignore her for such a petty reason.(因为如此琐碎的原因而无视她是很幼稚的行为。)

5. Stop being so childish and learn to compromise.(别那么孩子气,学会妥协吧。)

6. Her childish laughter filled the room.(她那孩子气的笑声充满了房间。)

7. Making faces at each other like that is just childish.(互相做鬼脸那样的行为只是幼稚。)

8. His childish prank caused a lot of trouble.(他那个孩子气的恶作剧引起了很多麻烦。)

9. She has a childish belief in fairy tales.(她对童话故事有着孩子气的信仰。)

10. His speech was marked by its childish simplicity.(他的演讲以其孩子气的简单著称。)

11. Don't underestimate her; she may seem childish, but she's quite intelligent.(不要小看她;她看起来虽然孩子气,但她很聪明。)

12. His childish behavior embarrassed everyone at the party.(他的孩子气行为让派对上的每个人都感到尴尬。)

13. She threw a childish tantrum when she didn't get her way.(她没有得到自己想要的时候发了个孩子气的发脾气。)

14. His childish innocence was refreshing in such a cynical world.(在如此愤世嫉俗的世界中,他那种孩子气的纯真令人耳目一新。)

15. It's childish to believe that everything will always be perfect.(认为一切都会永远完美是很幼稚的想法。)


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