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时间: 2024-09-18 09:01:08


1. The parking spaces near the entrance are designated for disabled individuals.(入口附近的停车位专为残疾人设立。)

2. The teacher will designate a group leader for each project.(老师会为每个项目指定一个小组领导。)

3. This area has been designated as a protected wildlife sanctuary.(这个地区已被指定为受保护的野生动植物保护区。)

4. Please designate a representative to attend the meeting on behalf of your team.(请指定一名代表代表您的团队参加会议。)

5. The red tags designate items that are on sale.(红色标签表示打折商品。)

6. The government has designated certain areas as disaster zones.(政府已将某些地区指定为灾区。)

7. The sign designated the area as a no-smoking zone.(标志指定该区域为禁止吸烟区。)

8. The company will designate a new CEO next month.(公司将在下个月指定一位新的首席执行官。)

9. The letter "P" designates the parking lot on the map.(字母“P”代表地图上的停车场。)

10. The yellow star on the map designates the location of the hotel.(地图上的黄色星星表示酒店的位置。)

11. The doctor will designate a specific treatment plan for the patient.(医生将为患者指定一个特定的治疗方案。)

12. The committee will designate a team to investigate the issue.(委员会将指定一个团队调查这个问题。)

13. The blue ribbon designates the first place winner.(蓝色丝带表示第一名获胜者。)

14. The code "VIP" designates a very important person.(代码“VIP”表示非常重要的人。)

15. The company will designate a new headquarters in the downtown area.(公司将在市中心指定一个新的总部。)

16. The symbol "+" designates addition in mathematics.(符号“+”在数学中表示加法。)

17. The label designates the product as organic.(标签说明这个产品是有机的。)

18. The color red is often designated as a symbol of passion and love.(红色常被指定为激情和爱的象征。)

19. The committee will designate a spokesperson to address the media.(委员会将指定一名发言人与媒体交流。)

20. The star on the map designates the location of the famous landmark.(地图上的星星表示著名地标的位置。)

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