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时间: 2024-09-18 11:42:26


1. The earthquake caused a large fissure to open up in the ground.


2. The fissure in the rock provided a home for many small animals.


3. There is a deep fissure running through the middle of the glacier.


4. The political party was divided by a deep fissure over the issue of immigration.


5. The fissure in their relationship was too deep to repair.


6. The doctor used a special tool to fill the fissure in the patient's tooth.


7. The fissure in the wall allowed the cool air to seep into the room.


8. The fissure in the pavement was a hazard for pedestrians.


9. The therapist worked to heal the emotional fissure between the couple.


10. The fissure in the dam caused a major flood downstream.


11. 这座桥上有一条深深的裂缝,需要尽快修复。

(There is a deep fissure on the bridge that needs to be repaired as soon as possible.)

12. 这个社区存在着种族和经济上的分裂。

(There is a racial and economic fissure in this community.)

13. 冰川上的裂缝使得登山者难以通行。

(The fissures on the glacier make it difficult for climbers to pass through.)

14. 他们之间的裂痕太深,已经没有挽回的余地了。

(The fissure between them is too deep to be salvaged.)

15. 发生在地壳上的裂缝导致了一系列地震。

(The fissures in the Earth's crust led to a series of earthquakes.)

16. 在这个小镇上存在着社会阶层的裂缝。

(There is a social class fissure in this small town.)

17. 这块石头上有一道深深的裂缝。

(There is a deep fissure on this rock.)

18. 这个国家的政治裂痕已经存在了很长时间。

(The political fissure in this country has been present for a long time.)

19. 水坝上的裂缝导致了洪水的爆发。

(The fissure in the dam led to a flood outbreak.)

20. 他们之间的分歧已经形成了无法弥合的裂缝。

(The fissure in their disagreement has become irreparable.)

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