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时间: 2024-09-19 17:26:52


1. The price of oil fluctuates constantly due to various factors.


2. Her mood tends to fluctuate depending on the weather.


3. The stock market can fluctuate wildly during times of uncertainty.


4. Our sales figures have been fluctuating a lot lately.


5. The temperature in this region tends to fluctuate dramatically throughout the year.


6. It's important to monitor your blood pressure regularly as it can fluctuate.


7. The value of the currency fluctuates daily in response to economic changes.


8. Her weight has been fluctuating since she started her new diet.


9. The popularity of this trend seems to fluctuate over time.


10. The water levels in the river fluctuate with the changing seasons.


11. The demand for this product fluctuates depending on the time of year.


12. It's normal for your energy levels to fluctuate throughout the day.


13. The quality of the produce can fluctuate depending on the weather conditions.


14. The interest rates on loans can fluctuate based on market conditions.


15. His performance at work tends to fluctuate depending on his motivation levels.


16. The number of customers in the store fluctuates throughout the day.


17. The political climate in the country has been fluctuating recently.


18. The temperature in this room fluctuates a lot due to poor insulation.


19. The success of the project fluctuated as different challenges arose.


20. The price of produce can fluctuate greatly depending on the time of year.


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