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时间: 2024-09-18 11:36:31


1. The mechanic dismantled the car engine to find the source of the problem. (机械师拆卸了汽车发动机,以找到问题的根源。)

2. The old building was carefully dismantled to salvage the reusable materials. (这座老建筑被小心地拆除,以回收可重复利用的材料。)

3. The furniture had to be dismantled in order to fit through the narrow doorway. (家具必须被拆卸以便通过狭窄的门道。)

4. The criminal gang was finally dismantled by the police after months of investigation. (警方在数月的调查后终于解散了这个犯罪团伙。)

5. It took hours to dismantle the complicated machinery and move it to a new location. (拆卸这台复杂的机器并将其搬到新地点花了好几个小时。)

6. After the event, the stage had to be dismantled and the equipment packed away. (活动结束后,舞台必须被拆卸,设备收拾起来。)

7. The team worked together to dismantle the opponent's defense and score a goal. (球队合作拆除对手的防守并得分。)

8. The dismantled parts of the old computer were sorted for recycling. (这台旧电脑的拆卸部件被分类回收。)

9. It was a huge task to dismantle the entire structure and rebuild it from scratch. (拆除整个结构并从头开始重建是一项巨大的任务。)

10. The dismantling of the company's outdated policies led to a more efficient work environment. (公司过时政策的废除导致了更高效的工作环境。)

11. The protesters demanded the dismantling of the corrupt government. (抗议者要求解散腐败的政府。)

12. The detective carefully dismantled the suspect's alibi during the interrogation. (侦探在审讯中仔细推翻了嫌疑人的不在场证明。)

13. The old bridge was dismantled to make way for a new, modern structure. (为了建造一个新的现代化结构,这座老桥被拆除了。)

14. The dismantled parts of the machine were laid out for inspection and repair. (机器的拆卸部件被摆出来进行检查和修理。)

15. The government announced the dismantling of the outdated law to make way for new regulations. (政府宣布解除过时法律,为新法规让路。)

16. The dismantled organization was restructured to improve its efficiency. (被拆散的组织进行了重组以提高效率。)

17. The dismantled car was transported to the junkyard for recycling. (拆卸的汽车被运到废品回收场进行再利用。)

18. The dismantling of the old factory marked the beginning of a new era for the town. (老工厂的拆除标志着这个小镇新时代的开始。)

19. The task force was assigned to dismantle the drug trafficking network. (特遣队被指派解散贩毒网络。)

20. The dismantled pieces of the puzzle were carefully reassembled to reveal the complete picture. (仔细地重新组装拆散的拼图,揭示完整的图片。)

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