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时间: 2024-09-19 17:23:16


1. His méprise for authority often got him into trouble. (他对权威的蔑视经常让他陷入麻烦。)

2. She couldn't hide her méprise for the arrogant politician. (她无法掩饰对那个傲慢政客的鄙视。)

3. The teacher's méprise for the lazy students was evident in her stern demeanor. (老师对懒惰学生的轻视在她的严肃举止中显而易见。)

4. He showed a clear méprise for the outdated traditions. (他对过时的传统表现出明显的蔑视。)

5. Her méprise for dishonesty made her a trustworthy friend. (她对不诚实的蔑视使她成为一个值得信赖的朋友。)

6. The boss's méprise for incompetence led to a high turnover rate in the company. (老板对无能的轻视导致公司的高员工流失率。)

7. Their méprise for the rules resulted in severe consequences. (他们对规则的蔑视导致了严重后果。)

8. The author's novel was a critique of society's méprise for the marginalized. (这位作家的小说是对社会对边缘群体的蔑视的批判。)

9. The coach's méprise for laziness motivated the team to work harder. (教练对懒惰的鄙视激励了团队更加努力工作。)

10. His méprise for failure drove him to achieve great success. (他对失败的轻视驱使他取得了巨大的成功。)

11. The méprise in her eyes was unmistakable. (她眼中的轻蔑是无可置疑的。)

12. The méprise in his tone made it clear that he had no respect for the decision. (他语气中的轻蔑表明他对这个决定毫无尊重。)

13. The politician's méprise for the opposition was evident in his speech. (政客对反对派的轻蔑在他的演讲中显而易见。)

14. The company's méprise for customer feedback led to a decline in sales. (公司对客户反馈的轻蔑导致了销售额的下降。)

15. Her méprise for superficial relationships made her hesitant to trust others. (她对肤浅关系的轻蔑使她不愿相信他人。)

16. The méprise for traditional gender roles was evident in the film's storyline. (对传统性别角色的轻蔑在电影情节中显而易见。)

17. The méprise for mediocrity drove him to pursue excellence in everything he did. (对平庸的轻蔑驱使他在所做的一切中追求卓越。)

18. The teacher's méprise for cheating students was evident in her strict enforcement of academic integrity. (老师对作弊学生的轻蔑在她对学术诚信的严格执行中显而易见。)

19. His méprise for material wealth led him to pursue a more meaningful life. (他对物质财富的轻蔑使他追求更有意义的生活。)

20. The méprise for conformity made her stand out in a crowd. (对一致性的轻蔑使她在人群中脱颖而出。)

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