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时间: 2024-09-19 17:03:42


1. The reculé village in the mountains was a peaceful and remote retreat.


2. The reculé location of the cabin made it the perfect place for a quiet getaway.


3. The reculé monastery was hidden deep in the forest, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


4. We stumbled upon a reculé waterfall while hiking through the secluded valley.


5. The reculé farmhouse was nestled in a remote corner of the countryside, surrounded by fields and forests.


6. The reculé hamlet was so isolated that it felt like stepping back in time.


7. After hours of driving, we finally arrived at the reculé cabin where we would spend the weekend.


8. The reculé nature reserve was home to many rare and endangered species.


9. Living in a reculé village allowed her to escape the noise and pollution of the city.


10. The reculé location of the cottage made it a peaceful and tranquil place to relax.


11. 这个偏远的地区是一个安静的度假胜地。

12. 隐蔽的山谷中有一个偏僻的瀑布。

13. 这个农舍坐落在乡村的一个偏僻角落。

14. 这个偏远的村庄如此孤立,让人感觉像是穿越时光。

15. 经过数小时的驾驶,我们终于抵达了这个偏远的小屋。

16. 这个偏远的自然保护区是许多罕见和濒危物种的家园。

17. 生活在偏远的村庄让她能够远离城市的噪音和污染。

18. 小屋偏远的位置使它成为一个宁静而安详的放松场所。

19. 这个山村是一个宁静而偏远的避难所。

20. 这个偏远的地区是一个安静的度假胜地。

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