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时间: 2024-09-18 14:34:00


1. I need to use tape to wrap up this package before I can mail it. (我需要用胶带把这个包裹包起来,然后才能寄出。)

2. The teacher used tape to hang the student's artwork on the wall. (老师用胶带把学生的艺术作品挂在了墙上。)

3. She used tape to fix the torn pages of her notebook. (她用胶带修补了她笔记本上的撕裂页面。)

4. The detective carefully collected tape from the crime scene for evidence. (侦探小心地收集了犯罪现场的胶带作为证据。)

5. The athlete wrapped his injured ankle with tape to provide support. (运动员用胶带包扎他受伤的脚踝以提供支撑。)

6. The children used tape to make a hopscotch grid on the pavement. (孩子们用胶带在人行道上做了一个跳房子的方格。)

7. The sound technician used tape to mark the positions for the microphones on the stage. (音响技术员用胶带标记了舞台上麦克风的位置。)

8. The electrician used electrical tape to insulate the exposed wires. (电工用绝缘胶带来隔离裸露的电线。)

9. The doctor applied surgical tape to secure the bandage over the wound. (医生用手术胶带固定了伤口上的绷带。)

10. She used masking tape to create a pattern on the wall before painting. (她用粘贴胶带在墙上创建了一个图案,然后再进行涂装。)

11. The package was securely sealed with tape. (这个包裹被胶带牢牢封住了。)

12. The children had fun making crafts with colorful tape. (孩子们用五颜六色的胶带做手工艺品玩得很开心。)

13. The tape on the cassette got tangled and stuck in the player. (磁带卡在了播放器里,缠绕在一起了。)

14. The police used tape to cordon off the crime scene. (警察用胶带封锁了犯罪现场。)

15. The company uses tape to mark off areas that are off-limits to employees. (公司用胶带标记了员工不得进入的区域。)

16. She used double-sided tape to hang the poster on the wall without damaging it. (她用双面胶带把海报挂在了墙上,而不会损坏它。)

17. The tape on the measuring tape broke, so I need to replace it. (卷尺上的胶带断了,我需要更换一下。)

18. The forensic team collected tape samples from the crime scene for analysis. (法证团队从犯罪现场收集了胶带样本进行分析。)

19. The tape recorder captured all the sounds in the room. (录音机记录了房间里的所有声音。)

20. The dancer's movements were accentuated by the colorful ribbons and tape on her costume. (舞者的动作被她服装上的五彩缤纷的丝带和胶带所衬托。)

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