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时间: 2024-09-18 08:32:33


1. He couldn't stop himself from éructer loudly after drinking soda. (他喝完苏打后忍不住打嗝。)

2. The baby éructer after every meal, which was a sign of good digestion. (宝宝每顿饭后都会打嗝,这是胃口良好的迹象。)

3. It's impolite to éructer loudly in public. (在公共场合大声打嗝是不礼貌的。)

4. She tried to stifle her éructer by covering her mouth with her hand. (她试图用手捂住嘴巴来抑制打嗝。)

5. The man's sudden éructer startled everyone in the room. (那个男人突然的打嗝吓了房间里的每个人。)

6. The doctor told the patient that éructer can be a symptom of acid reflux. (医生告诉病人,打嗝可能是胃酸倒流的症状。)

7. The little girl giggled after she éructer, finding it amusing. (小女孩打嗝后咯咯笑,觉得很有趣。)

8. He let out a loud éructer and then apologized for the noise. (他大声打了个嗝,然后为吵闹道歉。)

9. The old man's éructer echoed through the silent room. (老人的打嗝在寂静的房间里回荡。)

10. It's important to teach children to cover their mouth when they éructer. (教育孩子打嗝时要捂住嘴。)

11. The éructer smelled of the garlic he had for lunch. (打嗝散发着他午餐吃的大蒜味。)

12. The dog let out a little éructer after finishing his meal. (狗吃完饭后打了个小嗝。)

13. The professor paused his lecture when he heard a student éructer in the back of the room. (教授听到教室后面有学生打嗝时停下了讲课。)

14. The éructer was so sudden and unexpected that it made everyone laugh. (打嗝来得如此突然和出乎意料,让所有人都笑了。)

15. She felt embarrassed when she couldn't control her éructer during the meeting. (她在会议上无法控制打嗝感到尴尬。)

16. The sound of éructer filled the room, making it hard to concentrate. (打嗝声充斥整个房间,让人难以集中注意力。)

17. The doctor advised the patient to pay attention to his diet to reduce éructer. (医生建议病人注意饮食,以减少打嗝。)

18. The éructer was so loud that it startled the cat, making it jump. (打嗝声如此之大,把猫吓了一跳。)

19. The little boy thought it was funny to éructer during the quiet moment in the church. (小男孩觉得在教堂安静的时候打嗝很有趣。)

20. The éructer was a relief for him after feeling bloated. (打嗝让他感到舒展,解除了腹胀。)

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