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时间: 2024-09-18 08:47:08


1. You can have tea or coffee for breakfast. (你可以选择早餐喝茶或咖啡。)

2. Please let me know if you can come on Saturday or Sunday. (请告诉我你是否能在周六或周日来。)

3. Do you want to go to the beach or the mountains for vacation? (你想去海滩还是山区度假?)

4. You can choose to study economics or psychology at university. (你可以选择在大学学习经济学或心理学。)

5. Do you prefer to watch a movie or go for a walk this evening? (你今晚更喜欢看电影还是散步?)

6. You can have the cake or the ice cream for dessert. (你可以选择蛋糕或冰淇淋作为甜点。)

7. Is the meeting scheduled for Monday or Tuesday? (会议安排在周一还是周二?)

8. Would you like chicken or fish for dinner? (你想晚餐吃鸡肉还是鱼?)

9. You can wear a dress or trousers to the party. (你可以在聚会上穿裙子或裤子。)

10. Should we go to the museum or the art gallery this weekend? (我们这个周末应该去博物馆还是美术馆?)

11. You can buy the blue shirt or the red one. (你可以买蓝色的衬衫或红色的。)

12. Do you want to take the bus or the train to get to the city? (你想乘公交车还是火车去城市?)

13. You can choose to work on the project alone or with a team. (你可以选择独自完成这个项目,或者与团队合作。)

14. Should we have pizza or pasta for dinner tonight? (今晚我们应该吃比萨还是意大利面?)

15. You can either finish the report now or wait until tomorrow. (你可以现在完成报告,或者等到明天。)

16. Do you want to visit the zoo or the botanical garden this weekend? (你想这个周末去动物园还是植物园?)

17. You can either pay in cash or by credit card. (你可以选择用现金支付,或者用信用卡。)

18. Should we go to the park or the beach for a picnic? (我们应该去公园还是海滩野餐?)

19. You can choose to take the morning flight or the afternoon one. (你可以选择乘坐早班飞机,或者下午的。)

20. Do you prefer to read a book or watch TV before bed? (你晚上睡觉前更喜欢读书还是看电视?)

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