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时间: 2024-09-19 16:40:51


1. She is a notable figure in the field of medicine. (她是医学领域的知名人物。)

2. The company made a notable contribution to the local community. (该公司为当地社区做出了显著贡献。)

3. The film received notable acclaim from critics. (这部电影受到评论家的显著赞扬。)

4. He comes from a notable family with a long history. (他出身于一个历史悠久的名门之家。)

5. The artist's work is notable for its use of vibrant colors. (这位艺术家的作品以其运用鲜艳色彩而著称。)

6. The team achieved a notable victory in the championship. (该队在锦标赛中取得了显著的胜利。)

7. The politician gave a notable speech that resonated with the audience. (那位政治家发表了一篇引人注目的演讲,引起了听众的共鸣。)

8. The museum houses many notable works of art. (这家博物馆收藏了许多著名的艺术作品。)

9. Her notable achievements have earned her widespread recognition. (她显著的成就赢得了广泛的认可。)

10. The restaurant is notable for its excellent service and exquisite cuisine. (这家餐厅以其优质的服务和精致的美食而著称。)

11. The scientist made a notable breakthrough in the field of renewable energy. (这位科学家在可再生能源领域取得了显著的突破。)

12. The novel is notable for its vivid portrayal of the characters. (这部小说以其生动的人物描绘而著称。)

13. The school has produced many notable alumni who have gone on to achieve great success. (这所学校培养出了许多杰出的校友,他们取得了巨大的成功。)

14. The team's notable resilience led to their victory in the face of adversity. (该团队显著的韧性使他们在逆境中取得了胜利。)

15. The singer's notable vocal range impressed the audience. (歌手显著的音域给观众留下了深刻印象。)

16. The city is known for its notable landmarks and historical sites. (这座城市以其显著的地标和历史遗迹而闻名。)

17. The company's notable commitment to sustainability sets it apart from its competitors. (该公司显著的可持续发展承诺使其脱颖而出,与竞争对手有所不同。)

18. The artist's notable use of unconventional materials sparked a new trend in the art world. (这位艺术家对非传统材料的显著运用引发了艺术界的新潮流。)

19. The book received notable attention for its controversial subject matter. (这本书因其引起争议的题材而受到了显著的关注。)

20. The team's notable sportsmanship earned them the respect of their opponents. (该团队显著的体育精神赢得了对手的尊重。)

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