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时间: 2024-09-18 09:04:14


1. It's normal to feel nervous before a big presentation. (在做重要演讲之前感到紧张是正常的。)

2. I think it's normal for siblings to argue from time to time. (我认为兄弟姐妹偶尔争吵是正常的。)

3. Her blood pressure is within the normal range. (她的血压在正常范围内。)

4. The doctor said that the test results were normal. (医生说检查结果正常。)

5. It's normal for babies to wake up during the night. (婴儿夜间醒来是正常的。)

6. He's just a normal guy with no special talents. (他只是一个普通人,没有特别的才能。)

7. It's normal for plants to wilt if they don't get enough water. (植物如果得不到足够的水会枯萎是正常的。)

8. The temperature is normal for this time of year. (这个时候的温度是正常的。)

9. She has a normal appetite and eats three meals a day. (她有正常的胃口,每天吃三餐。)

10. It's normal for teenagers to experience mood swings. (青少年情绪波动是正常的。)

11. The company operates within normal business hours. (公司在正常的营业时间内运营。)

12. The car's performance is normal, according to the mechanic. (根据技师的说法,汽车的性能正常。)

13. The teacher expects all students to behave in a normal manner. (老师期望所有学生表现正常。)

14. It's normal to have some doubts when making a big decision. (做重大决定时有些疑虑是正常的。)

15. The doctor said my heart rate is normal for someone my age. (医生说我的心率对于我这个年龄段的人来说是正常的。)

16. The noise level in the restaurant is normal for a busy Friday night. (在繁忙的星期五晚上,餐厅的噪音水平是正常的。)

17. The test results came back normal, so there's no cause for concern. (检测结果显示正常,所以没有什么可担心的。)

18. It's normal for people to have differing opinions on political issues. (人们对政治问题有不同的意见是正常的。)

19. The weather forecast predicts normal temperatures for the week ahead. (天气预报预计未来一周的温度会正常。)

20. The company's profits are within normal expectations for this quarter. (公司本季度的利润符合正常预期。)

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