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时间: 2024-09-18 18:53:12


1. What type of music do you like? (你喜欢什么类型的音乐?)

2. She is the type of person who always puts others first. (她是那种总是把别人放在第一位的人。)

3. This car is a hybrid type, combining electric and gasoline power. (这辆车是混合动力型的,结合了电力和汽油动力。)

4. I need to know the type of fabric used for this shirt. (我需要知道这件衬衫所用的面料类型。)

5. He's not the type to give up easily. (他不是那种容易放弃的人。)

6. There are different types of flowers in this garden. (这个花园里有不同类型的花。)

7. What type of food do they serve at the restaurant? (这家餐厅供应什么类型的食物?)

8. She's the artistic type, always expressing herself through her paintings. (她是那种艺术气质的人,总是通过画作表达自己。)

9. The doctor diagnosed her with a rare type of disease. (医生诊断她患有一种罕见的疾病。)

10. Please fill out the form with your name, address, and blood type. (请填写表格,包括你的姓名、地址和血型。)

11. This computer is a different type from the one I used before. (这台电脑和我之前用的那台不同类型。)

12. What type of movie do you feel like watching tonight? (你今晚想看什么类型的电影?)

13. The museum has a collection of different types of art, from paintings to sculptures. (博物馆收藏了不同类型的艺术品,从绘画到雕塑。)

14. He's not my type, I prefer someone with a more adventurous spirit. (他不是我的菜,我更喜欢有更冒险精神的人。)

15. The doctor recommended a specific type of exercise to improve my flexibility. (医生建议我进行特定类型的锻炼,以提高我的灵活性。)

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