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时间: 2024-09-18 18:50:49


1. I found an old typewriter in the attic, covered in dust and cobwebs.


2. Before the age of computers, writers used typewriters to compose their manuscripts.


3. The sound of the typewriter keys clacking filled the room as the writer worked diligently on his novel.


4. My grandmother still prefers to use a typewriter for typing letters, rather than a computer.


5. The typewriter is a mechanical device used for printing characters onto paper, typically using a ribbon with ink.


6. The typewriter revolutionized the way people communicated through written correspondence, making it faster and more efficient.


7. The museum had a collection of vintage typewriters, showcasing the evolution of this once essential piece of office equipment.


8. She typed up the report on her old typewriter, enjoying the tactile experience of pressing down on the keys.


9. The typewriter was a symbol of professionalism and authority in the business world for many decades.


10. The typewriter's mechanism required a strong and deliberate touch to produce clear and consistent typing.


11. The author cherished the old typewriter that had been passed down through generations in her family.


12. The typewriter's keys were worn down from years of use, but it still worked perfectly.


13. The typewriter's carriage returned to the left margin with a satisfying ding at the end of each line.


14. She carefully loaded a fresh sheet of paper into the typewriter, ready to start typing her latest draft.


15. The antique shop had a beautiful collection of ornate typewriters from different eras and countries.


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