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时间: 2024-09-18 09:17:11


1. The normalization of relations between the two countries led to increased trade and cooperation. (两国关系的正常化促进了贸易和合作。)

2. The normalization of blood pressure is essential for maintaining good health. (血压的正常化对于保持良好的健康至关重要。)

3. The normalization process involved extensive negotiations and compromise. (正常化进程涉及了广泛的谈判和妥协。)

4. The therapist helped the patient work towards the normalization of their eating habits. (治疗师帮助病人朝着正常化饮食习惯的方向努力。)

5. The normalization of immigration policies was a key issue in the political debate. (移民政策的正常化是政治辩论的一个关键问题。)

6. The normalization of diplomatic ties between the two countries was a significant milestone. (两国外交关系的正常化是一个重要的里程碑。)

7. The normalization of the data allowed for more accurate analysis. (数据的正常化使得更准确的分析成为可能。)

8. The normalization of the situation after the crisis took time and effort. (在危机之后,局势的正常化需要时间和努力。)

9. The normalization of the temperature in the room made it more comfortable for everyone. (房间温度的正常化使得每个人都感到更加舒适。)

10. The normalization of trade relations led to an increase in economic growth. (贸易关系的正常化导致经济增长。)

11. The normalization of the new policy required the support of various stakeholders. (新政策的正常化需要各方利益相关者的支持。)

12. The normalization of the company's operations improved efficiency and productivity. (公司运营的正常化提高了效率和生产力。)

13. The normalization of the child's behavior was a positive outcome of the therapy. (孩子行为的正常化是治疗的积极成果。)

14. The normalization of relations between the rival factions brought a sense of stability to the region. (敌对派别之间关系的正常化为该地区带来了稳定感。)

15. The normalization of the supply chain processes streamlined the company's logistics. (供应链流程的正常化使得公司物流更加顺畅。)

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