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时间: 2024-09-19 16:40:24


1. She is neither a student nor a teacher. (她既不是学生也不是老师。)

2. I can neither confirm nor deny the allegations. (我既不能确认也不能否认这些指控。)

3. The company neither confirmed nor denied the rumors about the merger. (公司既没有确认也没有否认有关合并的传言。)

4. He has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with such matters. (他既没有时间也没有兴趣处理这类事务。)

5. The restaurant serves neither meat nor dairy products. (这家餐馆既不供应肉类也不供应乳制品。)

6. The project is neither complete nor satisfactory. (这个项目既不完整也不令人满意。)

7. The movie is neither entertaining nor thought-provoking. (这部电影既不娱乐也不发人深思。)

8. The shop sells neither clothes nor accessories. (这家商店既不卖衣服也不卖配饰。)

9. The weather is neither warm nor cold, it's just perfect. (天气既不热也不冷,刚刚好。)

10. The book is neither fiction nor non-fiction, it's a blend of both. (这本书既不是小说也不是非小说,而是两者的结合。)

11. The hotel offers neither breakfast nor room service. (这家旅馆既不提供早餐也不提供客房服务。)

12. The store stocks neither fresh produce nor frozen foods. (这家商店既不备有新鲜农产品也不备有冷冻食品。)

13. The team is neither winning nor losing, they're tied. (这个团队既没有赢也没有输,他们打成了平手。)

14. The product is neither cheap nor expensive, it's reasonably priced. (这个产品既不便宜也不贵,价格适中。)

15. The issue is neither simple nor complex, it's somewhere in between. (这个问题既不简单也不复杂,介于两者之间。)

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