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时间: 2024-09-18 09:10:58


1. I normally go for a run in the morning before work.(我通常在上班前早晨去跑步。)

2. Normally, I would take the bus to get to the city center.(通常我会乘公交车去市中心。)

3. She normally eats a salad for lunch.(她通常午餐吃沙拉。)

4. Normally, the store closes at 6 pm.(通常,商店在下午6点关门。)

5. I normally don't like spicy food, but I enjoyed the dish.(我通常不喜欢辣的食物,但我很喜欢这道菜。)

6. Normally, I would call ahead to make a reservation.(通常我会提前打电话预订。)

7. They normally spend their weekends hiking in the mountains.(他们通常周末在山上徒步旅行。)

8. Normally, I prefer tea over coffee.(通常我更喜欢茶而不是咖啡。)

9. She normally arrives at the office around 8:30 am.(她通常在上午8:30左右到达办公室。)

10. Normally, I like to read before going to bed.(通常我喜欢在睡觉前读书。)

11. They normally take a family vacation in the summer.(他们通常在夏天一起度假。)

12. Normally, the train is very punctual.(通常火车非常准时。)

13. I normally wear a suit to work.(我通常穿西装上班。)

14. Normally, I would cook dinner at home, but tonight we decided to go out.(通常我会在家做晚餐,但今晚我们决定出去。)

15. She normally goes to bed early to get enough rest.(她通常早点睡觉以获得足够的休息。)


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