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essay "班级(Class)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 02:45:25


Here is an essay on "Class" with 400 words, followed by the English translation and vocabulary.






English Translation:

The Class

The class is the most basic unit in school education. A class is usually composed of 30 to 50 students who study and live in a fixed classroom. The class is not only a place for learning, but also an important place for students to communicate and cultivate friendships.

In the class, students not only learn various course knowledge, but also participate in various collective activities, such as class meetings and sports and cultural activities. These collective activities not only promote mutual understanding and friendship among classmates, but also cultivate students' team spirit and social skills. For example, in the collective activities organized by the class, students need to cooperate, coordinate with each other, and complete tasks together, which helps to cultivate their communication and leadership skills.

In addition, the class is also an important place for students to develop good morals and habits. The class teacher and teachers will guide and educate students on their behavior and learning attitude in daily teaching and management, helping students develop good qualities such as honesty, diligence, and respect for others. At the same time, the class is also a place for students to cultivate their self-management ability. Through the collective activities and daily management of the class, students learn to abide by discipline, respect the collective, and consider the collective interests, which is very helpful for their future independent living and work.

In summary, the class is an indispensable and important organizational form in school education. In the class, students can not only develop comprehensively, but also cultivate good morals and habits, laying a foundation for their future learning and life.


1. 班级 (bān jí) - class, classroom

2. 固定 (gù dìng) - fixed, stable

3. 交流 (jiāo liú) - exchange, interaction

4. 培养 (péi yǎng) - to cultivate, to foster

5. 团队 (tuán duì) - team, group

6. 合作 (hé zuò) - cooperation, collaboration

7. 沟通 (gōu tōng) - communication

8. 领导 (lǐng dǎo) - leadership, to lead

9. 品德 (pǐn dé) - morals, character

10. 习惯 (xí guàn) - habit, custom

11. 引导 (yǐn dǎo) - to guide, to direct

12. 尊重 (zūn zhòng) - to respect

13. 自我管理 (zì wǒ guǎn lǐ) - self-management

14. 遵守 (zūn shǒu) - to abide by, to observe

15. 纪律 (jì lǜ) - discipline

上一个 essay "学生(student)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary 文章列表 下一个 essay "主题(topic)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary




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