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essay "主题(topic)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:16:45


Here is a 400-word essay on the given topic, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.






English Translation:

Everyone in life has their own unique life experiences and values. We all grow up in different environments and backgrounds, so our perspectives and attitudes towards life will also be different. However, regardless of our life paths, we should all strive to pursue our own ideals and goals, and face the various challenges in life with a positive and optimistic mindset.

It is inevitable that we will encounter some setbacks and difficulties in life, but we should not be discouraged by these negative factors. Instead, we should learn to adjust our mindset and look at problems in a more positive way. For example, when we encounter bottlenecks in our work, we can think about how to improve our own skills and knowledge, rather than just complaining and giving up. Or when we encounter problems in interpersonal relationships, we can take the initiative to communicate and seek understanding and support from others, instead of isolating ourselves.

Furthermore, we should also learn to appreciate the good things in life and cherish the loved ones and friends around us. Sometimes, we may be too focused on work or study, and neglect other important aspects of life. But we should remember that life is not just about work and study, but also about rest, entertainment, and communication with others. Only when we maintain a balance and harmony in all aspects can we truly enjoy the beauty of life.

In summary, each of us should strive to pursue our own ideals, face the challenges in life with a positive and optimistic mindset, and learn to appreciate the good things in life. Only in this way can we live a more fulfilling and happy life.


1. 独特 (dú tè) - unique

2. 价值观 (jià zhí guān) - values

3. 背景 (bèi jǐng) - background

4. 态度 (tài dù) - attitude

5. 理想 (lǐ xiǎng) - ideal

6. 目标 (mù biāo) - goal

7. 积极 (jī jí) - positive

8. 乐观 (lè guān) - optimistic

9. 挫折 (cuò zhé) - setback

10. 困难 (kùn nán) - difficulty

11. 打击 (dǎ jī) - discourage

12. 调整 (tiáo zhěng) - adjust

13. 心态 (xīn tài) - mindset

14. 瓶颈 (píng jǐng) - bottleneck

15. 技能 (jì néng) - skill

16. 知识 (zhī shì) - knowledge

17. 抱怨 (bào yuàn) - complain

18. 放弃 (fàng qì) - give up

19. 人际关系 (rén jì guān xì) - interpersonal relationships

20. 沟通 (gōu tōng) - communicate

21. 理解 (lǐ jiě) - understanding

22. 支持 (zhī chí) - support

23. 孤立 (gū lì) - isolate

24. 欣赏 (xīn shǎng) - appreciate

25. 亲人 (qīn rén) - loved ones

26. 朋友 (péng you) - friends

27. 专注 (zhuān zhù) - focused

28. 忽略 (hū lüè) - neglect

29. 休息 (xiū xi) - rest

30. 娱乐 (yú lè) - entertainment

31. 交流 (jiāo liú) - communication

32. 平衡 (píng héng) - balance

33. 和谐 (hé xié) - harmony

34. 充实 (chōng shí) - fulfilling

35. 快乐 (kuài lè) - happy

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