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essay "风景(scenery)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:26:02


Here is an essay on the topic of "Scenery" with an English translation and vocabulary list:








English Translation:

The seasons change, and the earth presents different appearances. In spring, all things revive, flowers bloom in profusion, and the green is lush; in summer, the sunshine is bright, the trees are lush, and the birds sing and the flowers are fragrant; in autumn, the air is cool and refreshing, the leaves turn colorful, and the fruits are abundant; in winter, the world is dressed in silver, clear and clean, and everything is quiet. No matter what season it is, nature will bring us beautiful and charming scenery.

In spring, the earth is dressed in a green outfit. The tender green lawn is dotted with colorful flowers; the willow trees are graceful, with tender buds sprouting on the branches; the little birds are happily jumping on the branches, and their clear and melodious chirping fills the air. All of this gives a sense of vigor and vitality.

In the hot summer, nature seems even more vibrant. The sun shines brightly, the trees are lush, and the green shade is dense. The rivers and streams flow gently, cool and pleasant. In the distance, the towering mountains reach into the clouds, and the white clouds drift slowly, as if conversing intimately with the earth. This peaceful and tranquil scene makes one feel at ease and refreshed.

In the golden autumn, the earth has put on a beautiful outfit. The leaves are turning, red leaves are flying, and the golden rice fields stretch out as far as the eye can see. The joy of the harvest is evident on the faces of the farmers, who are busy gathering the abundant fruits. The cool and refreshing air, the bright sunshine, make one feel clear-headed and energetic.

In the silver-clad winter, nature also has its unique charm. The pure white snow flakes fall, covering the earth, and everything looks clean and spotless. The cold air is permeated with a sense of austerity, yet it gives a feeling of peace and tranquility. Walking on the white snow, one can feel the stillness and wonder of nature.

No matter what season it is, nature will bring us endless surprises and joys. Its beauty and wonder make it irresistible, and its charm makes us linger. Every time we immerse ourselves in it, we can feel the warmth and serenity of nature, and thus find solace for our souls and pleasure for our spirits.


1. 流转 (liú zhuǎn) - to circulate, to revolve

2. 呈现 (chéng xiàn) - to present, to display

3. 复苏 (fù sū) - to revive, to recover

4. 争艳 (zhēng yàn) - to vie in splendor

5. 盎然 (àng rán) - luxuriant, abundant

6. 阳光明媚 (yáng guāng míng mèi) - bright and sunny

7. 茂盛 (mào shèng) - luxuriant, flourishing

8. 鸟语花香 (niǎo yǔ huā xiāng) - the songs of birds and the fragrance of flowers

9. 层林尽染 (céng lín jìn rǎn) - the leaves turn colorful one after another

10. 硕果累累 (shuò guǒ lěi lěi) - heavily laden with abundant fruits

11. 银装素裹 (yín zhuāng sù guǒ) - dressed in silver, pure white

12. 冰清玉洁 (bīng qīng yù jié) - clear as ice, clean as jade

13. 万物静谧 (wàn wù jìng mì) - everything is quiet and peaceful

14. 婀娜多姿 (ē nuó duō zī) - graceful and charming

15. 欣欣向荣 (xīn xīn xiàng róng) - thriving and prosperous

16. 心旷神怡 (xīn kuàng shén yí) - at ease and refreshed

17. 神清气爽 (shén qīng qì shuǎng) - clear-headed and energetic

18. 肃杀之气 (sù shā zhī qì) - an air of austerity

19. 慰藉 (wèi jiè) - solace, comfort

20. 流连忘返 (liú lián wàng fǎn) - to linger and be reluctant to leave

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