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essay "生态系统(ecosystem)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:33:43



An ecosystem is a complex and dynamic community of living organisms interacting with their physical environment. It is a fundamental unit of study in ecology, where the various components of an ecosystem are interdependent and work together to maintain a balanced and sustainable system.

At the heart of an ecosystem are the living organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. These organisms are classified into different trophic levels, with producers (such as plants) at the bottom, consumers (such as animals) in the middle, and decomposers (such as fungi and bacteria) at the top. The interactions between these organisms, as well as the flow of energy and nutrients through the system, are what define the ecosystem.

The physical environment of an ecosystem includes factors such as climate, soil, water, and sunlight. These abiotic components provide the necessary resources and conditions for the living organisms to thrive. For example, plants require sunlight, water, and specific soil nutrients to grow, while animals depend on the availability of food, water, and shelter within their habitat.

Ecosystems can vary greatly in size and complexity, ranging from a small pond to a vast rainforest. Each ecosystem has its own unique characteristics and adaptations, shaped by the local climate, geography, and the specific organisms that inhabit it. The delicate balance of an ecosystem is maintained through the cycling of energy and nutrients, as well as the complex web of interactions between the living and non-living components.

Disturbances, such as natural disasters, human activities, or the introduction of invasive species, can disrupt the balance of an ecosystem, leading to changes in the population dynamics, species composition, and overall functioning of the system. Understanding and protecting the health of ecosystems is crucial for maintaining the Earth's biodiversity and ensuring the continued provision of essential ecosystem services, such as food production, water purification, and climate regulation.

In conclusion, an ecosystem is a complex and interconnected system that encompasses the living and non-living components of a specific environment. The study of ecosystems is essential for understanding the intricate relationships that sustain life on our planet and for developing effective strategies for environmental conservation and management.

English Translation:









1. Ecosystem

2. Interdependent

3. Trophic level

4. Producer

5. Consumer

6. Decomposer

7. Abiotic

8. Biotic

9. Habitat

10. Biodiversity

11. Ecosystem service

12. Disturbance

13. Invasive species

14. Nutrient cycling

15. Energy flow

16. Adaptation

17. Sustainability

18. Conservation

19. Management

20. Ecology

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