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essay "狮子(lion)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:36:09


Here is an essay about "Lion" in 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.







English Translation:

The lion is a very powerful and courageous animal. They are often called the "King of the Jungle". Lions usually live in the tropical regions of Africa and Asia, mainly distributed in the region south of the Sahara Desert in Africa.

Lions are social animals, usually living in family groups. A lion family typically consists of one to three adult male lions, as well as several female lions and cubs. The male lions are the leaders of the family, responsible for protecting the family and hunting for food. The female lions are responsible for caring for the cubs and teaching them hunting and survival skills.

Lions are carnivorous animals, mainly feeding on herbivores such as antelopes, zebras, and buffaloes. They usually hunt in groups, with the male lions leading the way and the female lions responsible for surrounding the prey. Lions have a powerful bite and claws, able to easily tear the skin and bones of their prey.

The appearance of lions is also very majestic. The male lions have a thick mane of hair around their heads, making them look very imposing. They have a strong and powerful body, with thick limbs and the ability to run quickly. Female lions are smaller in size, but equally agile and strong.

Lions are a widely protected animal. Due to the impact of human activities, the habitat of lions is constantly shrinking, and their population is also decreasing. Currently, lions are listed as "vulnerable" species, and we need to work together to protect these precious animals.


1. 狮子 (shīzi) - lion

2. 丛林之王 (cóng lín zhī wáng) - king of the jungle

3. 撒哈拉沙漠 (sā hā lā shā mò) - Sahara Desert

4. 群居 (qún jū) - social, living in groups

5. 家族 (jiā zú) - family group

6. 公狮 (gōng shī) - male lion

7. 母狮 (mǔ shī) - female lion

8. 幼狮 (yòu shī) - lion cub

9. 肉食性 (ròu shí xìng) - carnivorous

10. 草食动物 (cǎo shí dòng wù) - herbivore

11. 羚羊 (líng yáng) - antelope

12. 斑马 (bān mǎ) - zebra

13. 水牛 (shuǐ niú) - buffalo

14. 咬合力 (yǎo hé lì) - biting force

15. 爪子 (zhuǎzi) - claws

16. 鬃毛 (zōng máo) - mane

17. 敏捷 (mǐn jié) - agile

18. 易危 (yì wēi) - vulnerable (species)

19. 栖息地 (qī xí dì) - habitat

20. 保护 (bǎo hù) - protect

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