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essay "老虎(tiger)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 11:30:37


Here is a 400-word essay on the tiger, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.





English Translation:

The tiger is one of the largest cat species in the world and one of the most powerful and intimidating creatures in nature. They have a strong, muscular build, covered in vibrant orange-yellow striped fur, giving them a very majestic and formidable appearance. The tiger's head is flat, its eyes are sharp and piercing, and its canine teeth are exceptionally sharp, capable of easily tearing the flesh of its prey. Their limbs are thick and powerful, with claws that are razor-sharp, allowing them to easily capture and rip apart their prey. Tigers are carnivorous animals, primarily feeding on large mammals such as deer, wild boar, and buffalo.

Tigers are not only physically powerful but also extremely fierce and brutal. They are adept at moving in the dark and prefer to live in dense forests or mountainous areas. When threatened, tigers emit a bone-chilling roar as a warning. They can also attack humans viciously, causing serious harm. Throughout history, many people have been killed by tiger attacks, so people regard tigers with awe and fear.

Despite their ferocity, tiger populations are rapidly declining. This is mainly due to large-scale deforestation by humans, destroying their habitats, as well as being hunted by humans for their fur and other body parts. Currently, there are only around 3,900 wild tigers left in the world, on the verge of extinction. Protecting tigers is not only to preserve this rare animal but also to maintain the ecological balance of nature. Let us all work together to contribute our efforts to saving this magnificent creature.


1. 老虎 (lǎo hǔ) - tiger

2. 猫科动物 (māo kē dòng wù) - feline

3. 威慑力 (wēi shè lì) - intimidation

4. 浑身 (hún shēn) - whole body

5. 条纹 (tiáo wén) - stripes

6. 皮毛 (pí máo) - fur

7. 威武雄壮 (wēi wǔ xióng zhuàng) - majestic and powerful

8. 扁平 (biǎn píng) - flat

9. 犀利 (xī lì) - sharp, piercing

10. 犬齿 (quǎn chǐ) - canine teeth

11. 轻易 (qīng yì) - easily

12. 撕裂 (sī liè) - tear apart

13. 四肢 (sì zhī) - limbs

14. 粗壮 (cū zhuàng) - thick and powerful

15. 利爪 (lì zhuǎ) - sharp claws

16. 肉食性 (ròu shí xìng) - carnivorous

17. 猎物 (liè wù) - prey

18. 伪装 (wěi zhuāng) - camouflage

19. 潜行 (qián xíng) - stealthy

20. 耐心 (nài xīn) - patience

21. 凶猛 (xiōng měng) - fierce

22. 残暴 (cán bào) - brutal

23. 丛林 (cóng lín) - jungle

24. 山区 (shān qū) - mountainous area

25. 咆哮 (páo xiāo) - roar

26. 毛骨悚然 (máo gǔ sǒng rán) - bone-chilling

27. 警示 (jǐng shì) - warning

28. 攻击 (gōng jī) - attack

29. 敬畏 (jìng wèi) - awe

30. 恐惧 (kǒng jù) - fear

31. 濒临灭绝 (bīn lín miè jué) - on the verge of extinction

32. 生态平衡 (shēng tài píng héng) - ecological balance

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