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essay "父母(parents)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:19:54



Parents are the most important people in our lives. They are the ones who bring us into this world and nurture us from the moment we are born. They are our first teachers, our first role models, and the ones who shape our values and beliefs.

One of the primary roles of parents is to provide for their children's basic needs. This includes ensuring that their children have access to food, shelter, and clothing. They also play a crucial role in their children's physical and emotional well-being, providing them with the care and attention they need to grow and thrive.

In addition to meeting their children's basic needs, parents also have the responsibility of guiding and supporting their children as they navigate the challenges of life. This can involve helping them with their homework, encouraging them to pursue their passions, and offering advice and support during difficult times.

Parents also play a vital role in their children's social and emotional development. They teach their children how to interact with others, how to manage their emotions, and how to build healthy relationships. They also serve as role models, demonstrating the values and behaviors that they hope their children will emulate.

One of the most important aspects of parenting is the bond that develops between parents and their children. This bond is built through the countless moments of love, laughter, and shared experiences that make up a child's life. It is this bond that provides children with a sense of security and belonging, and it is this bond that often lasts a lifetime.

Despite the challenges and responsibilities that come with parenting, it is a truly rewarding experience. Watching a child grow and develop, and seeing the positive impact that a parent can have on a child's life, is one of the most fulfilling experiences a person can have.

In conclusion, parents play a vital role in the lives of their children. They are the ones who provide for their basic needs, guide and support them through life's challenges, and help to shape their values and beliefs. The bond between parents and their children is a truly special one, and it is this bond that often lasts a lifetime.

English Translation:









1. nurture (v.) - to care for and encourage the growth or development of

2. role model (n.) - a person who serves as an example of the values, attitudes, and behaviors associated with a particular role

3. navigate (v.) - to plan and direct the course of (a ship, aircraft, etc.) from one place to another

4. emulate (v.) - to try to equal or excel; imitate

5. bond (n.) - a close and lasting personal relationship

6. fulfilling (adj.) - providing a deep sense of reward or satisfaction

7. vital (adj.) - absolutely necessary or important; essential

8. attribute (n.) - a quality or characteristic of a person or thing

9. responsibility (n.) - a duty or obligation to perform or complete a task

10. challenge (n.) - a difficult task or problem

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