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essay "兄弟(brothers)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-20 02:36:18


Here is an essay on "Brothers" in approximately 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary list at the end.







English Translation:

The word "brothers" has different meanings for different people. Some see brothers as close friends, while others see them as a burden. However, regardless of one's view of brothers, the relationship between brothers is unique and precious.

In my growth process, I was fortunate to have a younger brother. We have been inseparable since childhood, playing and learning together, and have developed a deep bond. I remember we often argued over trivial matters when we were young, but we always made up in the end. I often protected and helped my brother solve problems, and he also supported and encouraged me when I encountered difficulties. We help each other and share weal and woe, and this brotherly affection is irreplaceable by any other relationship.

The interaction between brothers is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes, we may have conflicts and disputes due to differences in interests or opinions. But it is these frictions and setbacks that make our relationship more solid. We have learned to understand, tolerate, and compromise with each other, and these are the foundations for building deep feelings.

I believe that the most precious thing between brothers is trust and support. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will stand by each other and provide the greatest help and support. This unconditional love and care is unmatched by any other relationship.

The word "brothers" means lifelong companionship and reliance to me. I will always cherish the special bond between my brother and me, and hope that our brotherly affection will continue forever.


1. 兄弟 (xiōng dì) - brothers

2. 含义 (hán yì) - meaning

3. 亲密无间 (qīn mì wú jiān) - close and inseparable

4. 负担 (fù dān) - burden

5. 独特 (dú tè) - unique

6. 珍贵 (zhēn guì) - precious

7. 形影不离 (xíng yǐng bù lí) - inseparable

8. 建立 (jiàn lì) - establish

9. 深厚 (shēn hòu) - deep

10. 感情 (gǎn qíng) - emotion, feeling

11. 鸡毛蒜皮 (jī máo suàn pí) - trivial

12. 和好如初 (hé hǎo rú chū) - make up

13. 保护 (bǎo hù) - protect

14. 支持 (zhī chí) - support

15. 患难与共 (huàn nàn yǔ gòng) - share weal and woe

16. 替代 (tì dài) - replace

17. 相处 (xiàng chǔ) - interact

18. 一帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn) - smooth sailing

19. 利益 (lì yì) - interest

20. 意见 (yì jiàn) - opinion

21. 矛盾 (máo dùn) - conflict

22. 争执 (zhēng zhí) - dispute

23. 磨合 (mó hé) - friction

24. 挫折 (cuò zhé) - setback

25. 牢固 (láo gù) - solid

26. 理解 (lǐ jiě) - understand

27. 包容 (bāo róng) - tolerate

28. 妥协 (tuǒ xié) - compromise

29. 基础 (jī chǔ) - foundation

30. 信任 (xìn rèn) - trust

31. 无条件 (wú tiáo jiàn) - unconditional

32. 爱 (ài) - love

33. 关怀 (guān huái) - care

34. 比拟 (bǐ nǐ) - compare

35. 陪伴 (péi bàn) - accompany

36. 依靠 (yī kào) - rely on

37. 特殊 (tè shū) - special

38. 情谊 (qíng yì) - affection

39. 延续 (yán xù) - continue

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