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essay "车站(stop)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 11:45:09


Here is an essay on the topic "车站 (Stop)" in 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.







English Translation:

Stops are a very important place in our daily lives. It is the place where people have to pass through for travel, and also an important hub of urban transportation.

The role of stops is to provide a place for passengers to get on and off. Here, people can wait for public transportation, such as buses, subways, and trains. Stops usually have ticket offices, waiting areas, and shelters to provide convenience for passengers. Some large stops are also equipped with catering, shopping, entertainment and other supporting facilities, so that passengers can get more services while waiting.

Stops are not only the gathering place of transportation tools, but also the showcase window of urban culture. Many stops adopt unique architectural styles, becoming landmark buildings in the city. Some long-standing stops are also witnesses to the development of the city, becoming the cultural business cards of the city.

In addition, stops are also places for people to socialize. At the stops, people can meet familiar faces, chat, and exchange information. Some people also rest and relax in the cafes and small shops around the stops. Stops have become a part of urban life, not only as transportation hubs, but also as social venues.

In summary, stops play an important role in our lives. It is not only the gathering place of transportation tools, but also the showcase window of urban culture, and a place for people to socialize. The existence of stops makes our lives more convenient and colorful.


1. 车站 (chē zhàn) - stop, station

2. 公共交通工具 (gōng gòng jiāo tōng gōng jù) - public transportation

3. 售票处 (shòu piào chù) - ticket office

4. 等候区 (děng hòu qū) - waiting area

5. 候车亭 (hòu chē tíng) - shelter

6. 配套设施 (pèi tào shè shī) - supporting facilities

7. 标志性建筑 (biāo zhì xìng jiàn zhù) - landmark building

8. 文化名片 (wén huà míng piān) - cultural business card

9. 社交 (shè jiāo) - socialize

10. 丰富多彩 (fēng fù duō cǎi) - colorful

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