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essay "机场(aerodrome)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-19 17:22:13


Airport (Aerodrome)

Airports, also known as aerodromes, are the gateways to the world, facilitating the movement of people and goods across vast distances. These hubs of transportation play a crucial role in the global economy, connecting cities and countries through the efficient and reliable transportation of air travelers and cargo.

At the heart of an airport lies a complex network of infrastructure, including runways, taxiways, and terminals. Runways are the long, paved strips where aircraft take off and land, while taxiways are the roads that connect the runways to the terminals. The terminals themselves are the bustling centers of activity, where passengers check in, pass through security, and board their flights.

Beyond the physical infrastructure, airports also rely on a sophisticated system of air traffic control and navigation. Air traffic controllers monitor the movement of aircraft, guiding them safely through the skies and ensuring the smooth flow of traffic in and out of the airport. Navigation systems, such as radar and GPS, help pilots navigate and land their aircraft with precision.

The efficiency and security of airports are of paramount importance. Airports must adhere to strict regulations and protocols to ensure the safety of passengers and crew, as well as the security of the facility itself. This includes measures such as passenger screening, baggage inspection, and the monitoring of aircraft and personnel.

In addition to their primary function as transportation hubs, many airports have evolved to become vibrant commercial centers, offering a wide range of amenities and services to travelers. These can include shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, and even entertainment venues, transforming the airport experience into a more enjoyable and convenient one for passengers.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of airports continues to grow in significance. They are not only gateways to the world but also vital economic engines, driving job creation, trade, and tourism. The development and modernization of airports are crucial to the continued growth and prosperity of local and global communities.

English Translation:









1. Aerodrome - 机场

2. Runway - 跑道

3. Taxiway - 滑行道

4. Terminal - 航站楼

5. Air traffic control - 空中交通管制

6. Navigation - 导航

7. Radar - 雷达

8. GPS (Global Positioning System) - 全球定位系统

9. Passenger screening - 旅客检查

10. Baggage inspection - 行李检查

11. Commercial center - 商业中心

12. Shopping mall - 购物中心

13. Restaurant - 餐厅

14. Hotel - 酒店

15. Entertainment venue - 娱乐场所

16. Economic engine - 经济引擎

17. Job creation - 就业创造

18. Trade - 贸易

19. Tourism - 旅游业

20. Modernization - 现代化

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