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essay "行人(pedestrian)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 11:20:50


Here is an essay on "行人 (pedestrian)" in 400 words, with an English translation and vocabulary at the end.

行人 (Pedestrian)





English Translation:

In the city, we often see all kinds of pedestrians. They come from different backgrounds, with different purposes and ways of walking. Some hurry as if rushing to an important appointment; some stroll leisurely, fully enjoying the scenery along the way. Some walk alone, while others walk with friends or family, chatting animatedly. These diverse pedestrians present the rich and colorful city life.

For pedestrians, the city streets are their stage. Here, they can fully express themselves and showcase their unique personalities. Some pedestrians like to wear fashionable clothes, displaying their taste; others focus more on comfort, choosing simple and practical attire. Some walk with a light step, as if enjoying the freedom of the moment; others walk heavily, seemingly deep in thought. These subtle differences contribute to the unique scenery of the city streets.

In addition to individual characteristics, the behavior of pedestrians also reflects the cultural characteristics of the city. In some countries, people are more attentive to following traffic rules, passing through the streets in an orderly manner; in others, pedestrians are more casual, sometimes even ignoring traffic signals. This difference is reflected not only in the behavior of pedestrians but also in the overall traffic order of the city.

In summary, pedestrians are an indispensable part of city life. They not only enrich the urban landscape but also reflect the cultural characteristics of the city. We should respect every pedestrian, appreciate their unique personalities, and work together to create a more livable urban environment.


1. 行人 (xíng rén) - pedestrian

2. 匆忙 (cōng máng) - hurriedly

3. 约会 (yuē huì) - appointment

4. 慢悠悠 (màn yōu yōu) - leisurely

5. 谈笑风生 (tán xiào fēng shēng) - chatting animatedly

6. 舞台 (wǔ tái) - stage

7. 彰显 (zhāng xiǎn) - to display, to showcase

8. 品位 (pǐn wèi) - taste, quality

9. 舒适 (shū shì) - comfortable

10. 步伐 (bù fá) - step, pace

11. 自由 (zì yóu) - freedom

12. 沉重 (chén zhòng) - heavy, weighty

13. 文化特点 (wén huà tè diǎn) - cultural characteristics

14. 遵守 (zūn shǒu) - to abide by, to observe

15. 交通规则 (jiāo tōng guī zé) - traffic rules

16. 无视 (wú shì) - to disregard, to ignore

17. 交通信号灯 (jiāo tōng xìn hào dēng) - traffic signal

18. 秩序 (zhì xù) - order

19. 尊重 (zūn zhòng) - to respect

20. 营造 (yíng zào) - to create, to build

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