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essay "场景(scenario)" 400 words, english translation and finally vocabulary

时间: 2024-09-18 08:41:56


情景论文(400 字)







English Translation:

Imagine a bustling city street on a sunny afternoon. The air is filled with the sounds of honking horns, the chatter of pedestrians, and the rumble of passing vehicles. Shoppers hurry along the sidewalks, their arms laden with bags from the local boutiques and department stores. Vendors selling fresh produce and handmade crafts line the street, their colorful wares beckoning passersby to stop and browse.

In the distance, the towering skyscrapers of the financial district cast long shadows over the scene, a testament to the city's economic might. Meanwhile, a group of young professionals emerges from a nearby office building, eager to enjoy their lunch break in one of the many cafes or restaurants that dot the area.

As you take in the sights and sounds around you, you can't help but feel a sense of energy and excitement. This is a place where people come to work, to play, and to live. It's a melting pot of cultures, where the old and the new coexist in a delicate balance.

But beneath the surface, there are also signs of the challenges that come with urban living. The streets are crowded, and the air is thick with pollution. Homelessness is a visible problem, with people sleeping on park benches and begging for spare change. The cost of living is high, and many residents struggle to make ends meet.

Despite these challenges, the city remains a hub of activity and innovation. New businesses are constantly opening, and the streets are alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life. People from all walks of life come together, each contributing to the unique character of the place.

As you continue your journey through the city, you can't help but feel a sense of wonder and appreciation for the complexity of the scene before you. It's a place that is constantly evolving, always offering something new to discover.


1. Bustling - (adjective) full of activity and excitement

2. Chatter - (noun) the sound of people talking in a lively, casual way

3. Rumble - (verb) to make a deep, continuous, and somewhat loud noise

4. Laden - (adjective) heavily loaded or filled

5. Beckon - (verb) to signal or invite someone to come closer

6. Towering - (adjective) extremely tall and imposing

7. Testament - (noun) something that serves as evidence or proof of a particular thing

8. Melting pot - (noun) a place where people of different cultures, races, or backgrounds come together and assimilate

9. Delicate - (adjective) requiring careful handling; fragile

10. Pollution - (noun) the presence of harmful or undesirable substances in the environment

11. Homelessness - (noun) the state of having no home or permanent place of residence

12. Begging - (verb) to ask for something, especially money, in a humble and desperate manner

13. Hustle and bustle - (noun) a lively and energetic atmosphere with a lot of activity

14. Evolving - (verb) to develop gradually over time

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