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时间: 2024-09-19 17:22:20


1. The company developed a scenario for a potential economic downturn.


2. Let's consider a scenario where we have to cut costs by 20%.


3. In this scenario, the team would have to work overtime to meet the deadline.


4. The scenario presented in the meeting was a worst-case scenario, but it's important to be prepared for it.


5. The movie depicts a post-apocalyptic scenario where humanity struggles to survive.


6. The scenario outlined in the report outlines various potential outcomes for the project.


7. It's important to consider a variety of scenarios when making long-term plans.


8. The scenario analysis revealed that the most likely outcome was a moderate increase in sales.


9. In the event of a natural disaster, the company has a scenario in place to ensure the safety of its employees.


10. The scenario of a cyber attack on the company's network was a major concern for the IT department.


11. The scenario of a global pandemic was considered unlikely until it actually happened.


12. The scenario where the project gets delayed due to unforeseen circumstances is something we need to be prepared for.


13. The team conducted a scenario planning exercise to anticipate potential challenges in the market.


14. The scenario of a sudden change in government regulations could have a significant impact on our operations.


15. The team brainstormed different scenarios in order to come up with a comprehensive risk management plan.


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