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时间: 2024-09-18 11:30:14


1. The crime scene was carefully examined by the forensic team.(犯罪现场被法证队仔细检查。)

2. The movie scene was filmed in an exotic location in Africa.(电影的场景在非洲的一个异国情调的地方拍摄。)

3. The bustling city scene was filled with lights and sounds.(繁华的城市景象充满了灯光和声音。)

4. The dance scene in the musical was filled with energy and excitement.(音乐剧中的舞蹈场景充满了活力和兴奋。)

5. The crime scene investigation led to the arrest of the suspect.(犯罪现场调查导致了嫌疑人的逮捕。)

6. The beach scene in the painting captured the beauty of the coastline.(画中的海滩场景捕捉到了海岸线的美丽。)

7. The party scene was lively and colorful, with music and laughter filling the air.(派对现场热闹而多彩,音乐和笑声充满了整个空气。)

8. The dramatic scene in the play brought tears to the audience's eyes.(剧中的戏剧性场景让观众流下了眼泪。)

9. The crime scene was cordoned off by the police for further investigation.(警察封锁了犯罪现场以进行进一步调查。)

10. The restaurant scene in the movie showcased the culinary delights of the region.(电影中的餐厅场景展示了该地区的美食。)

11. The accident scene was chaotic, with emergency vehicles and onlookers crowding the area.(事故现场一片混乱,紧急车辆和围观者聚集在一起。)

12. The love scene in the novel was tender and romantic, evoking deep emotions in the readers.(小说中的爱情场景温柔浪漫,唤起了读者深深的情感。)

13. The protest scene in the city turned into a violent clash between the demonstrators and the police.(城市的抗议现场演变成了示威者和警察之间的激烈冲突。)

14. The art gallery scene was filled with exquisite paintings and sculptures.(艺术画廊的场景充满了精美的绘画和雕塑。)

15. The crime scene was meticulously documented by the investigating officers.(警方对犯罪现场进行了细致的记录。)

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