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时间: 2024-09-18 11:31:31


1. The scenery in the mountains was breathtaking, with lush green valleys and snow-capped peaks. (山区的景色令人叹为观止,翠绿的山谷和白雪覆盖的山峰)

2. Driving along the coastal road, we were treated to stunning ocean scenery and golden sandy beaches. (沿着海岸公路行驶,我们欣赏到了迷人的海洋景色和金色的沙滩)

3. The painter captured the peaceful countryside scenery with rolling hills and colorful wildflowers. (画家捕捉到了宁静的乡村景色,连绵起伏的山丘和多彩的野花)

4. As the sun set, the city skyline transformed into a beautiful urban scenery with glowing lights and shimmering skyscrapers. (太阳落山时,城市天际线变成了美丽的城市景色,闪烁的灯光和闪闪发光的摩天大楼)

5. The train journey through the countryside offered picturesque scenery of rolling fields and quaint little villages. (列车穿越乡村,提供了连绵起伏的田野和古朴的小村庄的风景)

6. We hiked to the top of the hill to enjoy the panoramic scenery of the entire valley spread out below us. (我们爬到山顶,欣赏着整个山谷的全景景色)

7. The cruise ship sailed past stunning coastal scenery, with towering cliffs and crystal-clear waters. (游轮驶过迷人的海岸景色,高耸的悬崖和清澈的海水)

8. The garden was filled with colorful flowers and serene ponds, creating a tranquil and beautiful scenery. (花园里长满了五彩缤纷的花朵和宁静的池塘,打造出宁静而美丽的景色)

9. The artist painted a vibrant city scenery, capturing the energy and movement of urban life. (画家绘制了生机勃勃的城市景色,捕捉到了都市生活的活力和运动)

10. The national park is known for its diverse and stunning natural scenery, from lush forests to majestic waterfalls. (国家公园以其多样且令人惊叹的自然景色而闻名,从茂密的森林到雄伟的瀑布)

11. The changing autumn scenery in the park attracts visitors from all over the world to admire the colorful foliage. (公园里秋天不断变化的景色吸引着来自世界各地的游客欣赏缤纷的叶子)

12. From the top of the hill, we had a bird's-eye view of the stunning coastal scenery below. (站在山顶,我们可以鸟瞰下方迷人的海岸景色)

13. The rural scenery was so peaceful and idyllic, with grazing cows and rolling meadows. (乡村的景色是如此宁静和田园诗般,有着悠闲吃草的牛和连绵起伏的草地)

14. The resort is nestled in a valley, surrounded by breathtaking mountain scenery on all sides. (度假村坐落在一个山谷中,四周都是令人叹为观止的山景)

15. The photographer captured the serene lake scenery at sunrise, with the mist rising from the water's surface. (摄影师捕捉到了日出时宁静的湖泊景色,湖面上升起的薄雾)

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