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时间: 2024-09-18 11:27:28


1. The stillness of the lake was disrupted by the splash of a jumping fish.(湖面的宁静被一条跳跃的鱼的溅起的水花打破了。)

2. In the stillness of the night, she could hear the faint sound of a distant train.(在夜晚的寂静中,她能听到远处火车的微弱声音。)

3. The stillness of the forest was interrupted by the sudden call of a bird.(森林的宁静被一只鸟的突然叫声打破了。)

4. She found solace in the stillness of the empty church.(她在空荡的教堂里找到了宁静。)

5. The stillness of the desert at dawn was awe-inspiring.(黎明时分的沙漠宁静令人敬畏。)

6. His meditation practice allowed him to experience a deep sense of stillness.(他的冥想练习使他能够体验到深层的宁静。)

7. The stillness of the library was shattered by the loud ringing of a cellphone.(图书馆的宁静被手机的响铃声打破了。)

8. The stillness of the old house was eerie and unsettling.(老房子的宁静令人不安。)

9. The stillness of the countryside was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of the city.(乡村的宁静是对城市喧嚣的一种受益的改变。)

10. As she sat by the window, she enjoyed the stillness of the falling snow.(她坐在窗边,享受着落雪的宁静。)

11. The stillness of the graveyard was a reminder of the passage of time.(墓地的宁静是对时间流逝的提醒。)

12. In the stillness of the early morning, she could hear the chirping of the birds.(在清晨的宁静中,她能听到鸟儿的鸣叫声。)

13. The stillness of the room was broken by the sudden burst of laughter.(房间的宁静被突然的笑声打破了。)

14. The stillness of the mountain peak was breathtaking.(山顶的宁静让人叹为观止。)

15. He sought refuge in the stillness of the monastery.(他在寺庙的宁静中寻求庇护。)

上一个 【英语】still的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】stimulus的例句




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