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时间: 2024-09-19 17:21:53


1. The loud noise was a stimulus for the baby to start crying.(大声的噪音是婴儿哭泣的刺激)

2. The financial incentive was a stimulus for employees to work harder.(财务激励是员工努力工作的刺激)

3. The bright colors were a stimulus for the students' creativity.(鲜艳的颜色是学生创造力的刺激)

4. The smell of food was a stimulus for the dog to come running.(食物的气味是狗跑过来的刺激)

5. The shocking news was a stimulus for her to reevaluate her life.(震惊的消息是她重新评估生活的刺激)

6. The new technology served as a stimulus for economic growth.(新技术作为经济增长的刺激)

7. The taste of the food was a stimulus for memories of childhood.(食物的味道是童年回忆的刺激)

8. The music was a stimulus for relaxation and meditation.(音乐是放松和冥想的刺激)

9. The challenging puzzle was a stimulus for her problem-solving skills.(具有挑战性的拼图是她解决问题技能的刺激)

10. The warm sunshine was a stimulus for the flowers to bloom.(温暖的阳光是花朵绽放的刺激)

11. The scientific discovery served as a stimulus for further research.(科学发现作为进一步研究的刺激)

12. The success of her friend was a stimulus for her to strive for her own goals.(朋友的成功是她为自己目标努力的刺激)

13. The art exhibition was a stimulus for her passion for creativity.(艺术展览是她对创造力的激情刺激)

14. The cold weather was a stimulus for the animals to hibernate.(寒冷的天气是动物冬眠的刺激)

15. The news of the promotion was a stimulus for his motivation at work.(晋升的消息是他在工作中动力的刺激)

上一个 【英语】stillness的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】stir的例句




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