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时间: 2024-09-19 11:23:30


1. The tin can was used to store food for the camping trip. (这个锡罐被用来存放露营旅行的食物。)

2. She bought a tin of cookies from the store. (她从商店买了一罐饼干。)

3. The roof was made of tin, which reflected the sunlight. (屋顶是用锡制成的,反射阳光。)

4. The tin roof was rattling in the wind. (锡制的屋顶在风中发出咔咔声。)

5. The artist used tin foil to create a unique sculpture. (艺术家用锡箔制作了一件独特的雕塑。)

6. The old car had a tinny sound when it started. (旧车启动时发出金属撞击的声音。)

7. He found a tin of paint in the garage. (他在车库里找到了一罐油漆。)

8. The tin roof was covered in rust. (锡制的屋顶被锈蚀了。)

9. She collected vintage tin signs as a hobby. (她收集老式锡制标牌作为爱好。)

10. The tin whistle produced a high-pitched sound. (锡哨发出高音。)

11. The children made a tin can telephone with a string. (孩子们用绳子做了个锡罐电话。)

12. The tin opener was missing from the kitchen drawer. (厨房抽屉里找不到开罐器。)

13. The tin mining industry was a major source of income for the town. (锡矿业是该镇的主要收入来源。)

14. The old clock was encased in a tin frame. (这个老式的钟被装在锡制框架里。)

15. The tin foil kept the food fresh. (锡箔保持食物新鲜。)

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