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时间: 2024-09-19 11:42:20


1. She wore a tiny silver necklace around her neck. (她戴着一条小巧的银项链。)

2. The tiny kitten curled up in the corner of the room. (小猫蜷缩在房间的角落里。)

3. He took a tiny sip of the hot coffee. (他小口地喝了一口热咖啡。)

4. The tiny seed grew into a towering tree. (小小的种子长成了一棵高耸的大树。)

5. The tiny details of the painting were exquisite. (画作中的细微之处非常精致。)

6. She found a tiny insect crawling on the kitchen counter. (她发现一只小昆虫在厨房柜台上爬行。)

7. The tiny village was nestled in the valley. (这个小村庄坐落在山谷中。)

8. The tiny button on the remote control was hard to press. (遥控器上的小按钮很难按下。)

9. The tiny crack in the window let in a draft. (窗户上的小裂缝让风吹进来了。)

10. She wrote her notes in tiny handwriting. (她用小字体写下了她的笔记。)

11. The tiny baby bird chirped for its mother. (小小的幼鸟为母亲啁啾。)

12. The tiny room felt cramped and claustrophobic. (这个小小的房间感到拥挤而令人幽闭恐惧。)

13. He made a tiny mistake in his calculations. (他在计算中犯了一个小错误。)

14. The tiny stream trickled through the meadow. (小溪在草地上淌过。)

15. She added a tiny pinch of salt to the soup. (她往汤里加了一小撮盐。)

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