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时间: 2024-09-18 10:55:10


1. The bright red sign was clearly visible from a distance.(那个鲜红的标志在远处清晰可见。)

2. The stars were visible in the clear night sky.(星星在晴朗的夜空中可见。)

3. The impact of climate change is becoming more and more visible.(气候变化的影响变得越来越明显。)

4. His anger was visible in his clenched fists.(他愤怒的情绪表现在攥紧的拳头中。)

5. The evidence made it clear that the suspect's guilt was visible.(证据明确表明嫌疑人的罪行是显而易见的。)

6. The mountain range was barely visible through the thick fog.(在浓雾中几乎看不见那座山脉。)

7. Her disappointment was visible in her downcast eyes.(她的失望在低垂的眼睛中显而易见。)

8. The changes in the company's policies are visible to all employees.(公司政策的变化对所有员工都是可见的。)

9. The scars on her face were clearly visible, telling a story of past struggles.(她脸上的伤疤清晰可见,诉说着过去的挣扎。)

10. The beauty of the sunset was visible to everyone on the beach.(日落的美景对海滩上的每个人都是可见的。)

11. The impact of the pandemic is visible in the empty streets and closed businesses.(大流行的影响在空荡的街道和关闭的企业中是显而易见的。)

12. The value of teamwork is visible in the success of this project.(团队合作的价值在这个项目的成功中是显而易见的。)

13. The flaws in the design were visible upon closer inspection.(仔细检查后,设计中的缺陷变得显而易见。)

14. The tension between the two leaders was clearly visible during the meeting.(两位领导人之间的紧张关系在会议中显而易见。)

15. The joy on her face was visible when she received the good news.(当她收到好消息时,脸上的喜悦是显而易见的。)

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