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时间: 2024-09-19 17:05:36


1. She had a clear vision of what she wanted to achieve in her career. (她对自己在事业上想要实现的目标有清晰的愿景。)

2. The company's vision statement outlines its long-term goals and values. (公司的愿景宣言概述了其长期目标和价值观。)

3. The artist's vision was to create a series of paintings that captured the beauty of nature. (艺术家的愿景是创作一系列捕捉自然之美的画作。)

4. He had a vision of a world where everyone lived in harmony and peace. (他对一个人人和谐共处、和平相处的世界有着清晰的愿景。)

5. The architect's vision for the new building was innovative and striking. (建筑师对新建筑的愿景是创新且引人注目的。)

6. The team worked together to bring their shared vision to life. (团队齐心协力,将他们共同的愿景变为现实。)

7. Despite facing challenges, she never lost sight of her vision for success. (尽管面临挑战,她从未忘记对成功的愿景。)

8. The CEO's vision for the company's future inspired the employees to work harder. (公司CEO对公司未来的愿景激励员工更加努力工作。)

9. The author's vision of a dystopian society was both chilling and thought-provoking. (作者对一个反乌托邦社会的愿景既令人不寒而栗又发人深思。)

10. The team brainstormed ideas to align their individual visions for the project. (团队开展头脑风暴,以使各自的项目愿景保持一致。)

11. The visionary leader had a bold vision for the future of the organization. (具有远见卓识的领导者对组织未来有着大胆的愿景。)

12. The film director's vision for the movie brought a unique perspective to the story. (电影导演对电影的愿景为故事带来了独特的视角。)

13. The artist's vision of blending traditional and modern styles created a captivating masterpiece. (艺术家将传统与现代风格融合的愿景打造出了一件引人入胜的杰作。)

14. The team leader shared his vision with the group, inspiring them to work towards a common goal. (团队领袖与团队分享了他的愿景,激励他们为共同目标而努力。)

15. The community came together to realize their collective vision of building a sustainable environment. (社区团结在一起,实现他们共同建设可持续环境的愿景。)

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