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时间: 2024-09-19 17:15:52



1. The miscreant was caught stealing from the store last night.(昨晚那个罪犯被抓到在商店里偷东西。)

2. The police are searching for the miscreant who vandalized the park.(警察正在寻找那个破坏公园的坏人。)

3. The miscreant was sentenced to five years in prison for fraud.(那个罪犯因欺诈罪被判五年监禁。)

4. She exposed the miscreant's embezzlement scheme.(她揭露了那个罪犯的贪污计划。)

5. The community was outraged by the miscreant's violent behavior.(社区对那个罪犯的暴力行为感到愤怒。)

6. The miscreant tried to escape but was quickly apprehended by the police.(那个罪犯试图逃跑,但很快被警察逮捕了。)

7. He was branded a miscreant after cheating on the exam.(他因在考试中作弊而被视为罪犯。)

8. The miscreant's motives for the crime remain unclear.(罪犯犯罪的动机仍然不明确。)

9. The miscreant's confession led to the recovery of stolen goods.(罪犯的自白导致被盗物品的追回。)

10. Despite his miscreant past, he has turned his life around.(尽管过去曾犯罪,他现在已经改过自新。)

11. The miscreant's actions caused irreparable harm to the environment.(罪犯的行为对环境造成了不可弥补的损害。)

12. She refused to associate with known miscreants.(她拒绝与众所周知的罪犯交往。)

13. The miscreant was remorseful for his actions.(那个罪犯对自己的行为感到懊悔。)

14. The miscreant was banished from the community as punishment.(那个罪犯被放逐出社区作为惩罚。)

15. The miscreant's reputation preceded him wherever he went.(那个罪犯的名声无论走到哪里都在先行。)


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