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时间: 2024-09-20 02:41:27


当然,请看以下关于 "mishap" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. Despite careful planning, a slight mishap delayed their arrival. (尽管计划周详,一点小意外延误了他们的到达。)

2. She handled the cooking with such skill that not a single mishap occurred. (她烹饪时技术娴熟,没有发生任何意外。)

3. The trip was going smoothly until a minor mishap with the rental car. (这次旅行一直很顺利,直到租车出现了一点小问题。)

4. Despite the mishap, the team managed to complete the project on time. (尽管发生了意外,团队还是及时完成了项目。)

5. The pilot's quick thinking prevented a potential mishap during the storm. (飞行员的迅速反应避免了在风暴中可能发生的事故。)

6. A slight mishap with the sound system caused a brief interruption in the concert. (音响系统出现小问题,导致音乐会短暂中断。)

7. The mishap on the assembly line slowed down production for several hours. (生产线上的意外使生产减缓了几个小时。)

8. Despite the mishap, they managed to salvage the important data from the damaged hard drive. (尽管出现了意外,他们还是设法从损坏的硬盘中恢复了重要数据。)

9. A sudden mishap at the office required everyone's immediate attention. (办公室突发意外需要大家立即处理。)

10. The mishap on the construction site led to a temporary halt in building progress. (建筑工地的意外导致建设进度暂时停滞。)

11. The mishap during the experiment highlighted the need for better safety protocols. (实验中的意外突显了更好安全规程的必要性。)

12. Despite the mishap, the event was still considered a success. (尽管发生了意外,这次活动仍被认为是成功的。)

13. A minor mishap in the kitchen caused a small fire that was quickly extinguished. (厨房里的小意外引发了一场小火,很快就被扑灭了。)

14. The mishap with the delivery delayed the arrival of crucial supplies. (交付中的意外延误了重要物资的到达。)

15. The mishap at the airport resulted in several flights being canceled. (机场的意外导致多个航班被取消。)

希望这些例句能帮助你更好地理解和使用 "mishap" 这个词语!

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