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时间: 2024-09-19 16:37:59



1. The transcontinental railroad connected the east and west coasts of the United States. (横贯大陆铁路连接了美国的东西海岸。)

2. He embarked on a transcontinental journey from New York to California. (他开始了从纽约到加利福尼亚的横贯大陆之旅。)

3. The company operates a transcontinental shipping route across Europe and Asia. (该公司经营着一条横贯欧洲和亚洲的跨洲际运输航线。)

4. She completed a transcontinental flight from London to Sydney. (她完成了从伦敦到悉尼的横贯大陆飞行。)

5. The transcontinental pipeline transports oil from one coast to the other. (这条横贯大陆的管道将石油从一海岸运输到另一海岸。)

6. A transcontinental highway system would facilitate faster travel across the country. (一套横贯大陆的公路系统将促进跨国的更快旅行。)

7. The novel tells the story of a transcontinental quest for lost treasure. (这本小说讲述了一次横贯大陆的寻宝之旅。)

8. They celebrated their anniversary with a transcontinental cruise. (他们通过一次横贯大陆的游轮之旅庆祝他们的周年纪念。)

9. The transcontinental telegraph revolutionized communication in the 19th century. (19世纪的横贯大陆电报革新了通信方式。)

10. He proposed a transcontinental railway project to link multiple countries. (他提议了一个横贯多国的铁路项目。)

11. She planned a transcontinental tour of famous landmarks in South America. (她计划了一次横贯南美洲著名地标的旅行。)

12. The transcontinental bus service offers convenient travel options across the continent. (这家横贯大陆的长途汽车服务为整个大陆提供了方便的旅行选择。)

13. He dreams of completing a transcontinental swim from Alaska to Russia. (他梦想完成从阿拉斯加到俄罗斯的横贯大陆游泳。)

14. The transcontinental fiber optic network spans multiple countries. (横贯大陆的光纤网络跨越了多个国家。)

15. They organized a transcontinental cultural exchange program between Asia and Europe. (他们组织了一项横贯大陆的亚洲与欧洲文化交流项目。)


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