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时间: 2024-09-18 09:16:19


"Transnormal" 这个词并不是一个常见的英语词汇,如果你指的是“transnormal”这个词,它可能是一个组合词或者专业术语。一般来说,我们可以根据上下文来理解它的意思。这里给你一些关于可能相关的例句,以及它们的中文解释:

1. "The artist explored transnormal states of consciousness in his latest work."

- 这位艺术家在他最新的作品中探索了超常意识状态。

2. "Scientists are researching the transnormal properties of quantum particles."

- 科学家正在研究量子粒子的超常特性。

3. "Her novels often delve into transnormal experiences that challenge conventional reality."

- 她的小说经常深入探讨挑战传统现实的超常经历。

4. "The film explores transnormal phenomena beyond our everyday understanding."

- 这部电影探讨了超出我们日常理解的超常现象。

5. "Transnormal psychology seeks to understand altered states of consciousness."

- 超常心理学旨在理解变态意识状态。

6. "The protagonist in the story experiences a transnormal journey through time."

- 故事中的主人公经历了一段超常的时间之旅。

7. "The concept of transnormal communication challenges traditional linguistic theories."

- 超常沟通的概念挑战传统的语言学理论。

8. "Their research aims to document transnormal phenomena in nature."

- 他们的研究旨在记录自然界的超常现象。

9. "The conference focused on transnormal experiences reported across different cultures."

- 会议关注不同文化中报告的超常经历。

10. "Transnormal events are often misunderstood due to their unconventional nature."

- 超常事件由于其非传统性质常常被误解。

11. "Psychologists debate the implications of transnormal perceptions on mental health."

- 心理学家们就超常感知对心理健康的影响展开辩论。

12. "The documentary explores transnormal states induced by psychedelic substances."

- 这部纪录片探讨了迷幻物质诱发的超常状态。

13. "Artificial intelligence could lead to transnormal forms of cognition."

- 人工智能可能导致超常形式的认知。

14. "Transnormal experiences are often seen as mystical or supernatural."

- 超常经历通常被视为神秘或超自然的。

15. "The study of transnormal phenomena bridges scientific and metaphysical inquiry."

- 对超常现象的研究连接了科学和形而上学的探讨。


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