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时间: 2024-09-18 19:17:42


Certainly! "Ultramilitant" is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is extremely militant or aggressive in their beliefs or actions. Here are 15 example sentences along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The ultramilitant faction within the organization advocated for immediate and forceful action.

- 这个组织内部的极端激进派主张立即采取强硬行动。

2. The group's ultramilitant stance alienated more moderate members.

- 该团体的极端激进立场使更温和的成员感到疏远。

3. He was known for his ultramilitant rhetoric against government policies.

- 他以其针对政府政策的极端激进言论而闻名。

4. The ultramilitant wing of the party pushed for radical reforms.

- 党内的极端激进派推动进行激进的改革。

5. Their ultramilitant tactics drew criticism from both allies and adversaries.

- 他们的极端激进策略遭到了盟友和对手的批评。

6. The ultramilitant group was responsible for several acts of violence.

- 这个极端激进团体负责了几起暴力行动。

7. She was part of the ultramilitant faction that believed in total revolution.

- 她是那个信奉彻底革命的极端激进派的一员。

8. The country faced challenges from ultramilitant insurgent groups.

- 该国面临来自极端激进叛乱组织的挑战。

9. The ultramilitant leader refused to negotiate with the authorities.

- 那位极端激进的领导人拒绝与当局进行谈判。

10. The ultramilitant activists were arrested after their protest turned violent.

- 那些极端激进的活动人士在抗议活动变得暴力后被逮捕。

11. His ultramilitant views on social justice often clashed with mainstream opinions.

- 他在社会正义问题上的极端激进观点经常与主流观点发生冲突。

12. The organization split into moderate and ultramilitant factions.

- 该组织分裂成温和派和极端激进派。

13. The ultramilitant group's demands were considered extreme by many.

- 许多人认为那个极端激进团体的要求过于极端。

14. Her ultramilitant approach to environmental issues garnered both praise and criticism.

- 她在环境问题上的极端激进态度既受到赞扬也遭到批评。

15. The ultramilitant campaign for independence sparked international concern.

- 那场关于独立的极端激进运动引发了国际关注。


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