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时间: 2024-09-18 19:13:30


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "ultraclean," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The ultraclean laboratory ensured no contaminants could interfere with the experiment. (超洁净实验室确保没有任何污染物能干扰实验。)

2. Ultraclean techniques are essential in semiconductor manufacturing. (超洁净技术在半导体制造中至关重要。)

3. The ultraclean air in the operating room minimized the risk of infection. (手术室内的超洁净空气将感染风险降到了最低。)

4. The ultraclean water treatment system removed even the smallest particles. (超洁净水处理系统能够去除甚至最微小的颗粒。)

5. Their ultraclean production process adheres to the strictest hygiene standards. (他们的超洁净生产流程符合最严格的卫生标准。)

6. The ultraclean environment of the spacecraft was maintained throughout the mission. (宇宙飞船在整个任务期间保持着超洁净的环境。)

7. Ultraclean fuels reduce emissions significantly compared to traditional gasoline. (超洁净燃料与传统汽油相比显著减少排放。)

8. The ultraclean kitchen was spotless, ready for the health inspection. (超洁净的厨房一尘不染,已经准备好接受卫生检查。)

9. Our ultraclean approach ensures every detail is meticulously handled. (我们的超洁净方法确保每一个细节都被精心处理。)

10. Ultraclean packaging is crucial for maintaining the freshness of perishable goods. (超洁净包装对保持易腐烂商品的新鲜至关重要。)

11. The ultraclean conditions in the surgery room met international standards. (手术室的超洁净条件符合国际标准。)

12. Ultraclean methods are employed to sanitize medical equipment effectively. (超洁净方法被用来有效地消毒医疗设备。)

13. The ultraclean sweep of the factory ensured no contaminants remained. (工厂的超洁净扫除确保没有任何污染物残留。)

14. Ultraclean energy solutions promise a sustainable future. (超洁净能源解决方案承诺一个可持续的未来。)

15. Researchers strive to develop ultraclean technologies for urban sanitation. (研究人员努力开发超洁净技术用于城市卫生。)


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