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时间: 2024-09-19 11:40:26


Sure, here are 15 sentences with the word "cardiac" along with their Chinese translations:

1. He suffered a cardiac arrest last night and was rushed to the hospital.

- 他昨晚心脏骤停,被紧急送往医院。

2. The patient underwent cardiac surgery to repair a damaged valve.

- 病人接受了心脏手术以修复受损的瓣膜。

3. Regular exercise is important for cardiac health.

- 定期锻炼对心脏健康至关重要。

4. The doctor recommended a cardiac stress test to evaluate his heart function.

- 医生建议进行心脏应激测试以评估他的心脏功能。

5. She was diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia and prescribed medication.

- 她被诊断为心律失常,并开了药物。

6. A cardiac monitor displayed the patient's heart rate in real-time.

- 心脏监护仪实时显示病人的心率。

7. He had a cardiac catheterization procedure to check for blocked arteries.

- 他接受了心脏导管插管术以检查是否有阻塞的动脉。

8. High blood pressure can lead to various cardiac complications.

- 高血压可能导致各种心脏并发症。

9. The cardiac unit at the hospital specializes in treating heart conditions.

- 医院的心脏科专门治疗心脏疾病。

10. She experienced sudden cardiac pain and called for an ambulance.

- 她突然感到心脏疼痛,打电话叫了救护车。

11. Cardiac rehabilitation programs help patients recover after heart attacks.

- 心脏康复计划帮助心脏病发作后的病人康复。

12. The new medication aims to improve cardiac function in patients with heart failure.

- 新药旨在改善心力衰竭患者的心脏功能。

13. A healthy diet is crucial for maintaining good cardiac health.

- 健康饮食对保持良好的心脏健康至关重要。

14. He was admitted to the cardiac ward for observation after experiencing chest pain.

- 他因胸痛入院心脏病监护病房观察。

15. Cardiac arrest requires immediate CPR to improve the chances of survival.

- 心脏骤停需要立即进行心肺复苏以提高生存率。

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