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时间: 2024-09-19 17:13:53



1. She received a cordial welcome from her new neighbors. (她受到了新邻居们的热情欢迎。)

2. We had a cordial discussion about the project's direction. (我们就项目的方向进行了友好的讨论。)

3. The two leaders shared a cordial handshake after signing the agreement. (两位领导在签署协议后握手言和。)

4. His cordial manner put everyone at ease. (他友好的态度使每个人都感到轻松。)

5. The hostess offered us a cordial invitation to stay for dinner. (女主人热情邀请我们留下来吃晚餐。)

6. Despite their differences, they maintained a cordial relationship. (尽管存在分歧,他们保持着友好的关系。)

7. She gave a cordial nod of approval. (她友好地点了点头表示赞同。)

8. The meeting ended on a cordial note, with everyone agreeing on the next steps. (会议在友好的气氛中结束,每个人对接下来的步骤都达成了一致意见。)

9. He sent his cordial regards to the family. (他向家人致以诚挚的问候。)

10. They exchanged cordial greetings at the event. (他们在活动中互相友好地致以问候。)

11. The atmosphere at the party was cordial and relaxed. (派对上的氛围友好而轻松。)

12. We enjoyed a cordial conversation over lunch. (我们在午餐时进行了愉快的交谈。)

13. The hotel staff was always cordial and attentive. (酒店员工总是非常友好和细心。)

14. He expressed his thanks in a cordial letter. (他用一封诚挚的信表达了谢意。)

15. Despite their differences of opinion, they remained cordial colleagues. (尽管意见不同,他们仍然是友好的同事。)


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