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时间: 2024-09-20 01:04:52


1. The autocrat ruled the country with absolute authority, making all decisions without consulting anyone else.(这位独裁者以绝对权威统治着国家,所有决策都不需征求其他人的意见。)

2. During his reign, the autocrat suppressed any dissenting voices, ensuring complete control over the populace.(在他的统治期间,这位独裁者镇压了任何异议声音,确保对人民拥有全面的控制。)

3. The autocrat's decrees were unquestionably followed by all citizens, as disobedience meant severe consequences.(这位独裁者的法令无条件地被所有公民遵循,因为不服从意味着严重的后果。)

4. Throughout history, autocrats have often centralized power, marginalizing democratic institutions.(历史上,独裁者常常集中权力,边缘化民主制度。)

5. The autocrat's lavish lifestyle starkly contrasted with the poverty experienced by the majority of the population.(这位独裁者奢华的生活方式与大多数人口贫困的生活形成鲜明对比。)

6. Under the autocrat's regime, censorship was rigorously enforced to control public discourse.(在这位独裁者的政权下,严格执行审查制度以控制公共话语。)

7. The autocrat's arbitrary decisions often left citizens feeling powerless and marginalized.(这位独裁者的武断决策常常让公民感到无能为力和被边缘化。)

8. The autocrat's propaganda machine worked tirelessly to maintain his image as a benevolent leader.(这位独裁者的宣传机器不知疲倦地工作,以维护他作为仁慈领袖的形象。)

9. Dissidents were routinely silenced or imprisoned under the autocrat's harsh regime.(在这位独裁者的严酷政权下,持不同政见者经常被镇压或监禁。)

10. The autocrat's family members were often granted positions of power and privilege, fostering nepotism.(这位独裁者的家庭成员常常被授予权力和特权的职位,培养了裙带关系。)

11. The autocrat's policies led to economic stagnation and widespread poverty among the population.(这位独裁者的政策导致了经济停滞和人口普遍的贫困。)

12. Opposition parties were banned, ensuring the autocrat faced no political challenge.(反对派政党被禁止,确保这位独裁者面对没有政治挑战。)

13. The autocrat justified his actions by claiming they were for the nation's greater good.(这位独裁者通过声称其行动符合国家的整体利益来为自己的行为辩护。)

14. The autocrat's personal wealth grew exponentially while the country's infrastructure crumbled.(这位独裁者的个人财富呈指数级增长,而国家的基础设施却在崩溃。)

15. Despite international condemnation, the autocrat remained defiant, refusing to change his oppressive policies.(尽管遭到国际社会的谴责,这位独裁者仍然固执己见,拒绝改变他的压迫政策。)

上一个 【英语】autocracy的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】bureaucrat的例句




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