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时间: 2024-09-19 11:49:09



1. The decision was delayed due to the bureaucratic process.

- 决定因为官僚程序而延迟。

2. She's frustrated with the bureaucratic red tape at the immigration office.

- 她对移民局的繁文缛节感到沮丧。

3. The city's bureaucratic structure often slows down development projects.

- 城市的官僚结构经常拖慢发展项目。

4. The bureaucrat meticulously reviewed each document before approving the funding.

- 官僚在批准资金之前细致审查了每份文件。

5. He navigated through the bureaucratic maze to obtain the necessary permits.

- 他在官僚迷宫中努力获取必要的许可证。

6. The bureaucrats in the government department were reluctant to implement new policies.

- 政府部门的官员不愿意实施新政策。

7. The diplomat had to negotiate with local bureaucrats to facilitate trade agreements.

- 外交官不得不与地方官员进行谈判,以促进贸易协议。

8. She found herself entangled in bureaucratic procedures when applying for a business license.

- 她在申请营业执照时陷入了官僚程序之中。

9. The bureaucrat's strict adherence to regulations sometimes hindered innovation.

- 官僚对法规的严格遵守有时会阻碍创新。

10. The city council criticized the bureaucrat for the slow response to citizen complaints.

- 市议会批评官员对市民投诉反应迟缓。

11. Bureaucrats often prioritize stability over rapid change.

- 官僚往往将稳定置于快速变革之上。

12. The bureaucrat's attention to detail ensured that the project complied with all regulations.

- 官员对细节的关注确保项目符合所有法规。

13. He struggled to cut through the bureaucratic inertia to get the project moving.

- 他努力克服官僚惯性,推动项目进展。

14. The bureaucratic hierarchy in the ministry can be complex to navigate.

- 部里的官僚层级结构很复杂,需要周密安排。

15. Bureaucrats play a crucial role in implementing government policies.

- 官员在实施政府政策中发挥着关键作用。


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